
Секретные коды на "китайские" телефоны

#*3851# = ??? White for 15 secs than restarts.
#*3876# = ??? White for 15 secs than restarts.
#*7222# = Operation Typ (Class C GSM)
#*7224# = I Got !! ERROR !!
#*7252# = Oparation Typ (Class B GPRS)
#*7271# = Multi Slot (Class 1 GPRS)
#*7274# = Multi Slot (Class 4 GPRS)
#*7276# = Dunno
#*7337# = EEPROM Reset (Unlock and Resets Wap Settings)
#*2787# = CRTP ON/OFF
#*3737# = L1 Dbg data
#*5133# = L1 Dbg data
#*7288# = GPRS Attached
#*7287# = GPRS Detached
#*7666# = SrCell Data
#*7693# = Sleep Act/DeAct (Enable or Disable the Black screen after doing nothing for a while)
#*7284# = Class : B,C or GPRS
#*2256# = Calibration Info
#*2286# = Battery Data
#*2527# = GPRS Switching (set to: class 4, class 8, class 9 or class 10)
#*2679# = Copycat feature (Activate or Deactivate)
#*3940# = External loop test 9600 bps
#*4263# = Handsfree mode (Activate or Deactivate)
#*4700# = Half Rate (Activate or Deactivate)
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